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Floating light & shadows


空間坪數|44坪 ,146m2

空間格局 |3臥房,多功能室,客廳,餐廳,廚房,2衛浴


一進門,半弧形的玄關拱門讓視覺有所停留,順勢向內觀看,兩側的弧形櫃體從玄關延伸至沙發背牆,強調開闊及屋高的優勢。視覺向窗邊延伸, 同樣的圓弧語彙應用在多功能室的玻璃鐵件拉門上,讓俐落的現代感和質樸的特殊漆紋理成為空間第一印象。


沙發牆面櫃體的表面使用了特殊的塗料,賦予了其柔和的光澤和獨特的質感,呈現出精緻而富有現代感的外觀。搭配著女屋主喜愛的灰綠跳色造型書擋,這些開放櫃體彷彿塑造了圖書館氛圍,更是作為餐桌的端景,兼具展示與收納的功能。 圓弧造型的櫃體設計不僅美觀,更為空間增添了柔和的流線感。書櫃下方的兩公尺的長型壁爐,搭配現代感的鏡面不鏽鋼反射爐火,實現了女屋主可以在家度過溫馨聖誕節的美好想像。





TThe design scheme adopts a grayscale palette with accents of grey green to connect public and private areas. Horizontal and vertical elements shape the circulation, complemented by material details for a rich sensory experience. The entryway features a semi-circular arch, with curved cabinets extending to the sofa wall, emphasizing openness and height. Curved elements are also applied to the multi-functional room's sliding door, creating a modern yet rustic impression. Mineral paints on the bookshelf joinery enhance the contemporary look, while grey green accents serve display functions. Curved cabinets add a sense of fluidity, while a stainless-steel fireplace with grey green hints evokes a cozy Christmas ambiance. Optimization of public spaces maximizes functionality, with a slim dining table as the emotional centre, and flexible divisions between the multi-functional room and dining area create shared spaces for the family. The master bedroom in the private domain incorporates a dressing area, with semi-circular ceilings and accents providing a sense of security.

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