Le Harmony 小室美栽
空間坪數|38坪 ,125m2
空間格局 |2臥房,1書房,客廳,餐廳,廚房,2衛浴 , 露台
此案在施工過程中遇到了疫情,身為科技新貴的女屋主在頻繁work from home 的同時,也養成了綠手指的才能,利用頂樓天台的優勢,宅栽在家中。
除了公領域之外,另一個注重的空間設計是主臥房,走入式更衣間以及主浴空間。復古色調的棗紅色為主臥床頭跳色,搭配低調奢華的訂製金屬圓鏡,界定更衣室的區域,同時也保有穿透的空間感。 主浴刻意做半截磁磚搭配半截色彩以呼應主臥床頭的跳色,女主人可在此泡澡並完全放鬆
During the construction process of this project, the COVID-19 pandemic occurred. As a tech-savvy female homeowner who frequently works from home, she also developed a talent for gardening and utilized the advantages of the rooftop terrace to create an indoor garden.
The homeowner prefers a leisurely, colorful, and exotic home design. The theme color is deep blue, inspired by the ocean, with white as a complementary color. The large central island in the dining area is paired with lively terrazzo countertops and a light food area. The green plants planted by the homeowner when she moved in connect the indoor and outdoor spaces, creating a relaxing and comfortable design style.
Next to the living room is a multifunctional room that serves as a study. The glass sliding door can divide the large space into two areas, making it convenient for the homeowner to work from home. At the same time, if friends come to visit, the sliding door can be closed to reduce interference.
To reduce the hallway space, the guest bathroom was rearranged, and the living room was made into a more complete space by using hidden doors and decorative lines to connect the living room to the private areas, including the master bedroom and guest bedroom.
In addition to the public areas, another important space design is the master bedroom, including the walk-in closet and master bathroom. The retro-style reddish-brown color is used as the accent color for the headboard of the master bed, paired with a low-key and luxurious custom metal round mirror to define the dressing area while maintaining a sense of transparency. The master bathroom deliberately uses half-tile and half-color to echo the accent color of the headboard, allowing the homeowner to relax and unwind in the bathtub.
Returning to the living room, Connecting with the outdoor area of the rooftop, the living room space features a French-style pergola with automatic shading in the outdoor corridor area, extending the living room to the outside. The homeowner also keeps two small dogs as companions, providing a worry-free environment for them to grow up in. Green plants also play an important role in the space, allowing both adults and furry friends to enjoy a backyard lifestyle in this outdoor paradise.