空間坪數|18.5坪 ,60m2
空間格局 |2臥房 ,客廳,餐廳,廚房,1衛浴,輕食區
本案原為新落成的公寓大樓, 位置座落於著名觀光夜市巷弄內, 房型因為較為狹長,只有前後有採光,加上原有建商配置的廚房與洗手間位置並不符合業主的需求,業主希望設計團隊能幫他重新規劃一個能夠跳脫傳統設計思維的新房。
The project was originally a newly completed apartment building. The location is in the famous sightseeing night market lane. The configuration is relatively narrow and long, only the front and rear are lit, and the location of the kitchen and the bathroom of the original builder does not meet the needs of the owners. The owner couple hope the design team can help them re-plan a new home that will break away from traditional design thinking.
The biggest advantage of this apartment is that the beautiful waterfront and Rainbow Bridge can be seen at the entrance. In order to let this outstanding scenery penetrate the whole room, the entrance lobby deliberately has a low seating area, with framed opening above. The framed view allows the waterfront scenery to become a vivid painting in the entrance. Light passes through the wooden frame, illuminating the entrance that was originally untouched by light.
The original kitchen is tucked away from the public area, leaving it quite dark and user unfriendly. The solution is to relocate the kitchen to the open space, and relocated the original bathroom behind the new kitchen which is directly connected to the balcony. A stainless steel frame is created so that the kitchen can be inserted in to leave open kitchen that is simple and sophisticated. On the right side of the kitchen, a new row of electrical cabinets is made to satisfy her interest in making cakes.
Next to the new kitchen is a multi-purpose room. The design team removes the original secondary bedroom wall and uses a metal grille with translucent glass as the sliding door. The sliding door can be completely hidden behind the TV wall. When the kitchen is not in use, the sliding door can be pushed to the right to easily hide the kitchenware. Or when visitors are temporarily staying in the function room, the sliding door can be pushed across to the left to return the privacy to the function room perfectly.
Continuing the frame view, the windows of the multi-purpose room are integrated with the desk and the full height cabinet. From the corridor area, the visual space becomes more spacious. Since the female owner used to travel a lot and miss having the food in the European weekend market, the design team have customized the metal frames which symbolize market pavilion selling fresh food and coffee.
The white pavilion is plastered with pink-green mosaic tiles on the wall with L-shaped imported thin ceramic countertops to keep the temperature low to make it easier for the female owner to make the dough. The timber banquet seating area that extends from the pavilion, with the grey shipping board behind together to make the small dining area more spacious yet stay cozy.
In the living room, the TV wall adopts a curved shape with special paint that can be reflective to echo the water ripples. Behind the TV wall is the master bedroom, which uses the blue color that the owners like as the feature color to create a calm and stable sense of space.