The Memory of Majectic Blue 沁藍.晴山
空間坪數|31坪 ,101m2
空間格局 |1臥房 ,1書房,客廳,餐廳,廚房,2衛浴,輕食區
本案原為31坪的新成屋公寓,房型為雙面採光, 其中一面採光為大片落地窗,不僅可眺望遠方山區,自然光也被大量的引進,形成得天獨後的日光宅。由於屋主夫妻在交屋不久前才剛從西班牙南部旅遊回來, 對於室內風格的營造,有著獨到的想法,加上女屋主本身就鍾情於藍色調,更希望設計師能夠將他們對西班牙南部和摩洛哥獨有的地中海藍調帶入到他們的新屋,讓他們回到家彷彿是來到兩人在渡假時的美好時光。西班牙南部的建築設計與其多元的文化有著很明顯的關聯性,基督文化和回教文化的碰撞更給西班牙藝術帶上了奇異的色彩,而且他們天生就有一種熱情奔放和狂野的個性,在設計上就反映出詩意的,幻想的,神話的風格,往往充滿了豐富的想像力和浪漫情懷。
The project is a newly built 103 m2 apartment owned by a professional couple. Thanks to the large window spanning across one side of wall, the apartment does not only benefit from abundance of natural sunlight but also overlooks the distant mountainous area. Since the couple have just returned from southern Spain shortly after they bought the apartment, they wanted a unique colour for the creation of the interior style, and hope that the design team can bring the element from southern Spain and The unique blues of Morocco into their new homes, which reminds them both with those good times on vacation. The architectural design of southern Spain is clearly related to its diverse culture. The collision of Christian culture and Muslim culture brings a strange color to Spanish art, and they are born with a passionate and wild personality. The poetry, fantasy, and mythological style are often filled with rich imagination and romantic feelings.