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空間坪數|264坪 ,856m2

空間格局 |商業空間

溫 :  代表著人情味,溫暖,溫度

叨 : 代表不斷的細心叮嚀


[溫叨]Caf’e & Dining 是原有[溫叨]Caf’e所衍生出來的複合式餐酒館。[溫叨]是台語[我家]的諧音,代表台灣這塊土地獨有的人情味。


設計團隊為了讓顧客從遠方便能清楚認出餐酒館,以 [溫叨]的圓型招牌為發想,制作成霓紅燈的發光字體。門口另一側為溫暖的木質櫃檯區結合外帶區,提供有名的Low GI便當與外帶咖啡飲品。同時TAKE AWAY又像是歐式的買票口,外框為象徵圓弧屋頂的[家]造型,搭配上方嵌入中式窗花,暗示著中餐西吃的飲食風格。






餐廳的最後方為第三區,為品牌精神的第三核心之一的好感區。此區最大的亮點為明亮的壁爐造型沙發區,也就是再次強調給與顧客[家]的感覺,在此可以無拘束的與三五好友聊天。最後方的卡座區,為藍色調裡最深的普魯士藍,代表穩重,與對品牌的信任。背牆特殊圖料採粗曠的紋路搭配霓虹燈字:Better Food, Better Life,再此強調品牌精神。

[Wendao] Caf’e & Dinning is a local Taiwanese restaurant derived from the original [Wendao] Caf’e. [Wen Dao] is a homophone of the Taiwanese [my family] and represents the unique human touch of this land in Taiwan. Owners who have grown up in this land since childhood felt the responsibility to continue Taiwan's unique cultural heritage and climate in an uncertain future environment.

We learned that the brand spirit was to use fresh local ingredients, focusing on the oriental flavor in memory. With a new style of modern dining, through the memory of the old Taiwanese dishes and new ways of presentation, offered a variety of Eastern and Western dishes. The interior atmosphere of this restaurant hoped to break away from the original Wendao cafe design. Like the brand spirit, in addition to oriental cuisine, it also added western-style colors and light luxury pasta packages. In the interior design, Prussian blue is used as the base of the audience. There were three levels of blue tones and jumps in different levels, trying to convey the variety of meals with European-style light luxury.

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